So, time is getting shorter and shorter in South Africa. A week from today, we will be packing our suitcases and preparing to leave. Next tuesday, we're going out to lunch one last time at Nando's (one of my favorites!!!!) and then heading to Johannesburg to fly out around 6 PM, 12 PM american time. Please pray if you think about it, Im really nervous- we have to take off and land a total of 3 times before reaching home sweet home in Greenville, SC. But, I dont want to think about leaving just yet, and part of me isnt ready to-theres still a week of stuff to be done here in SA!
Lately, Ashton and I have been very busy- the pics below are some highlights of our week! We went shopping with Charity on Friday and had dinnter at Mugg and Bean (the closest thing to like a nicer Panera Bread) and then went to a Christian Rock and Rap concert put on by campus outreach with Hadi and Neikkie. The pic below is a pic of Neikkie and I with the lead singer of the Afrikaans Christian rock band- I dont know the name because it isnt in english, and the entire time that band played, I had no clue what they were singing or saying- but, they seemed very popular. On saturday, our team went to a pro soccer game-manchester united vs the chiefs. I stuck it out the 1st half, but pulled out my book the 2nd half. It was very crowded and kind of scary, but cool to get to say that Ive seen the number 1 team in the world (manu) play soccer! We went on a group date with another res of guy called Maroela (pronounced Ma rule a) to Mugg and Bean for milkshakes, then to see the new batman (SA is a week behind the US).
So, now im sitting in Mugg and Bean paying to use the net so that I can also use Skype. Im thankful to have a day of rest.
Some of the cool things that God has taught me this past week is that He is in control and over all things, and that no matter what we are going through or how the day goes, He deserves to be praised. I think before I came to SA, I had a view that limited God- kind of like, I will serve you if___ or because life is going good, etc. But, being here and being stretched alot and really having to rely on Jesus to make it through the days sometimes, I have really seen that God is superior in life, and in everything, even small things. It has made me appreciate that I can talk to people, even in another country, about Jesus- the message is for anyone and everyone, no matter where they are in life. This past week, I got to share my life story with a girl named Amo-even though she isnt a Christian, she is attracted to the message of it-that we are free, new creations when we give our life to Jesus!! Something is holding her back, and it could be that morality, the good things that we do, are what makes us a Christian or not in her mind- but if that were the case, then we'd all be climbing up a mountain that had no peak, because everyone knows that for one thing, our motivations for doing good arent always pure, and for another thing, thats a legalistic life lived in pursuit of doing good, not God.
Anyways, it has been one awesome summer- i have gotten to really rest in God and come to know more and more about ministry than ever before!! Hopefully I will get to update this before we leave!! Until next time-