Sunday, June 13, 2010

Pray for the Unreached!

I was thinking of ideas for missions for our students, and remembered I wanted to post my missionary's story on here for all of you to read!

Have you ever heard of the 10/40 window? Its the largest area of non Christians in the world, which are mostly unreached- have never heard the name of Jesus, most don't have Bibles or missionaries to tell them the good news. According to another website, 1% of missionaries go there (so 99% are reaching the reached) and .05% of missions funds are sent there. We must pray for God to send out workers into the harvest field, to the reached and the unreached!!
Matt 9:37-38
Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."

Matthew 24:14
"And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come."

Everyone must hear the news!!!

I support a missionary named Harpreet in India through the gospel of asia, check it out!

here is her story-

Harpreet's Testimony

I was born February 2, 1991 into a non-Christian family in India. My parents were devout in worshipping and performing pujas (rituals) to our gods but I had no interest in taking part in any activities of our religion. On the other hand, I was an atheist and argued with friends and family about the existence of God.

As I grew up, I was very staunch in my personal belief but never understood that there is a living God who is my Savior. My family always counseled me to change my attitude and to follow their religion and they explained the principles that the religion emphasized. However, I continued to live a life according to my will and desire. Thus I have no interest to know the reality.

It was during this time, my mother happened to take active participation in the religious activities. She became a follower of a god-woman and began to worship her. One day, my mother fell sick and was rushed to the hospital. The whole family was worried and was not able to understand what to do? Life became miserable when the doctors explained us that my mother had a heart problem and need to undergo an operation immediately. We were discouraged and my father struggled to meet the expenses for the operation.

At this desperate situation, my father happened to meet a Bible woman in my aunt's home. After knowing the critical condition of our family, she shared the Gospel and requested my father to believe in Christ to attain healing and to bring my mother to a nearby church for prayer. As a last resort, my father was convinced and we happened to take my mother for prayer. The Spirit-filled worship and the powerful Word comforted us. As the days passed by, slowly my mother recovered and received complete healing. The river of joy filled my heart, and I understood that God is real and Christ Jesus is the only God. So, I began to spend more time in attending church meetings and prayer fellowships.

My mother's deliverance helped me to understand the need of knowing the Lord personally. Meanwhile, my pastor shared with me the Gospel and in no time we confessed my sins along with my family members and received Jesus as my personal Savior. From then on, I experienced great peace in my heart. Later, I made a public testimony of my faith.

After transformation, seeing my interest in spiritual matter, my father asked me to seek God's will for my life. In due time, I received the call and began to help my pastor in all the activities of my church. Soon, I understood the importance of a systematic study of the Word and the desire to know the Lord closely. I then joined a Bible School to train myself for the ministry ahead.

Present Ministry

I am presently serving the Lord as a Bible woman in India. The majority of the people among whom I am working are non-Christians. To expand God's kingdom, I share His Word through Gospel tract distribution, house visitation and home prayer fellowships. I also work among women and children.

Please pray for me that I may fulfill God's plan to expand His kingdom.

Pray for her as she shares, pray for the nations!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Field day....GO WHITE!

Every week at the LP, we have a social. The entire project is required to can be anything from building sand castles on the beach to a dance party! Last week, we had field day! 3 teams, the Red, White, and Blue teams, all competed for first place. I was on the white team..we lost by 1 point and came in second! It was a huge success- students had a blast in the 2 legged race, water balloon toss, pie eating contest, egg and spoon race, wheelbarrow race, and my least favorite- sardine eating..yuk! I almost forgot to mention, the dizzy bat race. If you've never done it, I don't recommend it- I felt sick for hours after spinning around 10 times and attempting to run in a straight line. It was so entertaining!!! Check it out-

until next time!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

GO MARINER's!!!!!! i love cheerleading at the LP!

LP has begun!!!

All the guys, ready to welcome disciples to the leadership project!!

WELCOME to the LP!!!!!

Last week, students from Wofford College, Furman University, Presbyterian College, and Western Carolina University pulled into the Mariner Motel in hot and humid Myrtle Beach SC!! Staff and student leaders eagerly waited for each car to pull in, welcoming them to their summer home!!!!

This past week, students secured jobs- God provided all the jobs we needed! Students will work this summer at Wal Mart, McDonalds, Zaxby's, Salsarita's, Wendy's , Skechers, Build a Bear, and Ocean Creek! As students settled into their rooms, meeting new roomates for the first time, I settled into my room full of 7-8 girls with 1 bathroom!! Just had to tell you that, it is a small challenge for me personally!

Last monday, our staff team planned and put on the theme meeting, which was a pep rally theme!! All of us girls were cheerleaders, plus A-Hawk (andrew) who was our faithful male cheerleader. It was so much fun! For the rest of the summer, students will plan and implement these meetings.

So far, we've been studying 1 Peter and learning an easy method in how to study the Bible. Our memory verse for this week is 1 Peter 1:13
"Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self controlled, set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed."

Thats powerful- our hope is not in the here and now, but in the future, specifically future grace !! Pray that these students would catch an eternal vision, and would set their gaze on the future grace that will be given. Also, pray that no one would leave this summer not believing in Jesus as the only way to God!