I havent updated in forever. Don't worry, it doesnt mean what you think it might mean- that nothing is going on- but actually means quite the opposite!! God is doing great and many wonderful things at Furman!! Some highlights are:
-Our trip to Washington DC was AWESOME!!!
This Christmas break, a bus full of Furman students made the long road trip to Washington DC, where over 500 college students from all over the southeast met together to worship God, learn, and have fun for 4 days!!
Why was Paradox2009 such a success?
Students and staff were were challenged on so many levels- in the area of giving financially and sacrifically, being content (learning to be content as Paul says in Philippeans), how will we share our faith as we get older and will we??, and who IS Jesus, what does a relationship with HIm look like??
A whole clan of freshman girls came that I have been hanging out with and leading in a Bible study this fall!! The pictures above show us all having fun shopping, hanging out at the hotel, and loving DC! I wish I had pictures for all of our times spent studying the Bible, worshiping God, and learning through talks and seminars but I dont!
On a more personal level, God is teaching me and has been teaching me about what it means to be content IN Christ and with Him alone. Please pray for me as I am learning this and want to be content no matter what the circumstances, like Paul says, " I have learned to be content...."
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