Thursday, September 6, 2012

Maggie Grace McCoun

Today is Maggie's 1st birthday ever!! 1 year ago today I was taking a walk around the Furman lake when I got a was the day! When should I head to the hospital? What was Emily going through!?!?!

I rushed to the hospital hoping to meet little maggie soon! I waited anxiously in the waiting area with my camera ready and a little gift for Maggie and Em (a headband for maggie and nail polish for Em!) And mom and dad and Kasey arrived. We waited....and the McCoun family arrived. And waited some more!! I was getting so nervous! Finally we got to see them!!! When we entered the room, my first concern was Emily!! What a relief..she made it. Then I got to meet little Mags :)

Some of my favorite pictures of peanut:

happy birthday little peanut! I love being an aunt to this little bundle of joy!

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