Wednesday, March 18, 2009


It's late. The night before my last day at atlanta bread company-abc.

I just have to write in here because I feel compelled to share with you all how faithful God has been to me- He is always faithful.
God has shown to me how He is my Provider. 7 months ago, I applied to all sorts of ransom jobs near my house in Greenville, and one day I went to Atlanta Bread to eat and a guy that worked their, who knew me as I was a regular as a student, suggested that I just apply for a job there because I shared my future plans with him.

About 3 days later, Amber from ABC calls me-I got an interview, and got the job, with my boss knowing about my plans to join staff and raise support.

It has been such a provision for me- I have loved working there. I feel very close to alot of the people I work with, and honestly am in tears as I type. I dont think my heart is so prepared to not be making sandwhiches with Amber, joking about my problems with directions, hanging out with Sarah, distracting Becky in the bakery, bugging Andrew about his grades, telling Fabi my life stories. ...
This transition nto full time support raising is something unknown to me and new..I confess Im scared!

God is faithful and He will provide for me, I know. Please pray for courage and strength in this weird in between place that I am. How thankful I am for my time at ABC.

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