Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Leadership Project 09- BURN!

Well, today is the day! Finally, after being in bed for no less than a week, I am heading to Myrtle Beach for the Leadership Project, an 8 week opportunity that Campus Outreach Greenville has where students from Wofford College, Furman, Presbyterian College, and Western Carolina University come to live in a Christian community and grow as leaders, in their faith in Christ, and have a blast!! 
I've been sick because of a roller blading accident, and had to miss my college roomie's wedding :( which I was in as a bridesmaid, and have felt the worst I've felt in my entire adult life, as in EVER. 
Well, here goes it- want to write more but dont have time. Please pray for me as I lead others this summer, as we, an entire project of over 100 people learn and grow, that we would glorify the One that created us! 
Our theme is BURN- Luke 24:32-

32They asked each other, "Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?"

What does it mean to burn for something? What are you burning for in your heart, living for? What does God desire to burn away from and out of our lives so that we can glorify Him more? What is keeping us from experiencing joy? Knowing more of Jesus?

These are just some of the things we will talk about this summer. I'll post pics and other things as they come. Thanks for supporting me :) And praying!!

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