Saturday, August 8, 2009

I'm Home!

I'm home! That is, for one more day. Last week was our final week of the Leadership project, and I can't believe that its over. My body was ready though, so Ive been catching up on sleep and such. 

I don't have one comprehensive paragraph to sum up my summer yet, but it was fun, awesome, challenging, stretching, all in one. More and more I'm learning about who God is, and becoming slowly but surely more of the person He created me to be. 

This week, I will head to Newland, NC to have staff fellowship, a time of planning and bonding with the staff team! We have 9 new staff members!!!! Pretty soon, I will head to Furman University. A place I know all too well. After spending 4 years there, Greenville really does feel just like home to me. 

I can praise God for many things as I sit here right now, feeling somewhat weirded out by change and all that it entails. I dont like change at all! But God never changes and never fails. In Him I am completely secure! 

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