Sunday, September 20, 2009

Back at Furman!!

I havent updated in a while, but things are back and busy at Furman!! 
I want to try and update more frequently! So if you read this blog and see that Ive failed to keep you updated, I sincerely apologize. I think I do a better job with emails than I do with the blog!

Here's a quick update:
I've been at Furman for about a month now. This year, our new staff members are me and Daniel Hill. Daniel recently graduated from Presbyterian College. Together we are partnering to reach the freshman class at Furman. 

This is a picture of me, Daniel, Tyler, and Jessie. Tyler and Jessie minister with campus Outreach at Presbyterian college.

So far, I have spent alot of time meeting students, specifically freshmen. Some fun things we've done so far:
-every Wednesday night, we have a co ed freshman Bible study!! We are talking about What Christianity is NOT. We've talked about how its not
1. A moral code- good things dont get us to God!
2. A compartment of your life- not just something you do on Sunday Morning!!

-Sunday nights, we have praise and worship at the Campus Outreach Building. Honestly, its been a very attractive event for our students, as many students come from churched backgrounds and enjoy this. Pray that it would bring people in!! 

-hanging out in the dorms has been so much fun!! Im meeting so many cool girls, and really getting to build relationships with them. 

Hanging out in the dorms!!

As I continue in what God is calling me to, I want to thank you for supporting me, for investing in my growth as an individual and as a laborer in the Kingdom of God. 
Here is a verse you can pray for me, that I am praying for my life right now: 1 Peter 1:13-16

"Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy."

I  leave you with this picture of me and some of my Best friends. Me, Brittni, Ashton (they go to presbyterian college and spent the last 3 summers with me!) and Abbye, on staff with Emily and Jake at Presbyterian College. I am so thankful for friends like them!

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