Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hey again!

This time I’m writing from Barnes and Noble. Today is my day off, and I’m taking some time to read and spending the day alone. Every week I look forward to my one day of rest, and today its finally here!!

There are so many wonderful things that God has done here at the Leadership Project in the last week, and I’ll try to keep it brief to tell you whats been going on….

Last Thursday, the rest of the staff left, leaving me and Andrew in charge of the entire project! So far, we have had to deal with some issues, but God has been faithful in providing a team of us (me and Andres plus the team leader guys and girls) to enforce rules, plan everything, and implement all of it. I can definitely tell you that I’m learning tons about being a leader, about how to confront others lovingly, and about trusting God with where I’m at in life right now. Last night, I led the girls in my room in discipleship group, basically a time of deep connection, to talk about God and pray together, and we all picked verses to ask God to do in our lives RIGHT NOW! My verses were 2 Corinithians 5:14-15

“For Christ’s love compels us because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.  And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.”

Pray that:

-The love of Christ would be the thing that compels me to love, serve, give, and exist

-That because I have been born again, I would not live for myself, Lindsay Owens, but would live for Jesus.

-In all this, I would count others better than myself.

Things that Im thankful for here, ways I have seen God working:

-I was able to give a prayer talk and really share my heart with all the students! I talked about why we should pray for others!! And ourselves.

-God is growing in the hearts of students- on the 4th of July, we all went to see fireworks together and some students were bold enough to share their faith with people they had never even met before!

-In my own life, God has been a sure comfort, a solid rock. I have been discouraged about small things, but he constantly reminds me that I cant trust in me!

-I have been able to help 2 students work through their testimonies, and it has been such a JOY!! It’s like reading a love story, where God pursues their hearts, over and over again, fighting for their affections and devotions. It served as a reminder of who we serve- a loving God who is FOR us, who fought for us, we are bought with Christs blood.  Ephesians 5:8 “For you were once darkness, but now you are light of the Lord.  Live as children of light.”

Continue to pray that no student would leave the LP unchanged, that each individual would seek God with his or her whole heart. The project is just an amazing place. Pray that Christ would continue to be glorified here. J

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