Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Ok, so I titled this post blessed, and for good reason! As you know, I'm now raising support in order to get onto a campus (WCU) as soon as possible. I'm definitely trusting God for this time, but quite honestly dont know where the funds will come from-God does though :)

In the past week, I have had 2 people offer to support me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a joy!!! It brings tears to my eyes, because trust me, it isnt often that people delight to give. It really comforts my spirit and renews me to continue on in this process. It has been such a blessing- One of my best friends (Jessica Pety) who was really a faith model in my life and died in a car crash earlier this year was going to Spain to do ministry there. She was my biggest encourager, and constantly told me that God could use me no matter what I was feeling! So it touches my heart that her mom offered to support me-I feel close to Jess as I hear from her, she has been such an encourager to me!

Also, a close friend named Amber offered to support me!! She's a grad student at ETSU for marriage and family therapy-so we both endured Furman University Psychology for many years! But like I said, getting emails like that really make my days bright and shine Gods faithful provision down on me.

Today is my sabbath for this week- Im cutting back working to 3 days a week now. This past weekend, I was able to go home to talk to my grandparents about me going on staff with Campus Outreach :) And, I got to go shopping with Kasey, my little sis. I absolutely love hanging with her and my twin sis, Emily. It is seriously one of my favorite things to do in the world! We had so much fun trying on clothes- the pics show our wacky outfits!
One thing that I have really enjoyed lately is leading a senior girls Bible study at Furman- 3 girls are in it, and were studying 2 Timothy! ! I just love talking about life with them, and talking about the Bible, about what it looks like to live as a Christian today. I am just so excited about it- I love how open the girls are with me, who is only 1 year older! Plus, 2 Tim is cool- Timothy was young and timid, and he kinda reminds me of me- so I can identify with what Paul is telling him- "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity...." I read where the word timidity also translates FEAR. I definitely struggle with fear! Fear of failure, fear of death, fear of the unknown, fear of suffering....
So, thanks to you who have kept me in your prayers! Please pray for support, and for my own devotion to God to grow and develop. For a thankful heart, not only in support raising but to my great family, who I am so quick to be blunt and harsh with. I love you mom & dad!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


tomorrow Im sending out my first 5 letters....yay! :)

please pray that I would walk freely in the light-laboring for JESUS alone!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

a few pics!

Amber & me!!
The girls at the wedding!
HOMECOMING!!! Kasey, Em, Taylor, and me!
Kaye & I at Support Boot camp! It was so fun to stay with her! She also led our team to South Africa with her husband, Ben

Wherever I am...

Wherever I am, I want to live in light of God's will. God's plan. Sometimes it seems alot harder than other times to really know what God wants and where He is leading me. Before I began to follow Jesus, I cut my own trail, my own path to take me wherever my heart desired. It was alot easier in some ways, but easier isnt always better.

Well, I havent updated this in a few weeks, and its a sure sign that Im busy- too busy if you ask me. My life is consumed with work at Atlanta Bread, trying to sleep some, preparing to raise support (what I will live off of), and following God. Weekly, I am able to do some things that I love, namely a wednesday night Bible study with some older women at the church! We meet and talk about a Beth Moore study called Stepping Up...looking at the psalms of Ascent. I love it-so far, its been very applicable to my life. Recently I looked into how I do have alot of insecurities in who I am and in who God made me to be. Rather, I have identity issues- I try to find my worth in what I am rather than WHOSE I am. I am God's.

Work is fun! Its challenging to be joyful, as I get there around 6 or 7 often, and if you know me well, you know that Im a night owl. I pray alot, and love taking deliveries through downtown and some cool neighborhood homes. It is definitely a brightener too, to talk to people often. Ive been able to share with alot about what I am doing and what God has done in my life!

Last weekend, 2 fun things went on- I went with the team that went to South Africa to a wedding! A guy on our team got married!!! It was so so so much fun to be with the team. And, I went to Orlando Florida to a Support Raising Boot camp. Boy was it a marathon- we learned about how to raise funds, about what God says about raising support, and got to talk to and meet other missionaries from around the US. It was so good for my perspective on support raising!!!

However, Im overwhelmed. I am nervous, and trusting in God, but dont know when I will get to a campus to start ministry. I am so so so excited though!!!! The other night, I got to lead a senior girls Bible study at furman, and felt so excited- its a taste of what I will be doing on staff! If you read this, please pray that God would be my guide here in this time of uncertainty and fear to step out of my comfort zone into an unknown place.

Im believing psalm 32:8-
"I will intruct you in the way you should go, I will counsel you and watch over you."