Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I recently read an article called Off to College- Can we Keep them? by someone I dont know anything about, but he gave 12 reasons why college students lose their faith. Where I think this applies is- reasons why people that grew up in a Christian home and might not have ever really owned their faith, had a personal relationship with Christ- these are things that choke out any plant growing in their lives. Here a few I see at Furman alot-

1.Young Believers Think They Can Be Solitary Christians

Many young believers go off to college with what I call the "just you and me, God'' view of the Christian life. Separated from their hometown congregation, they think they can worship, pray, study Scripture, and practice the Christian disciplines all by themselves without fellowship with other believers. That's like a soldier thinking he can stay alive and fight Just as well when separated from his unit.

2.They Haven't Learned to Recognize the Desires and Devices of Their Hearts

It's an odd thing about us human beings: Not many of us disbelieve in God and then begin to sin-rather, we get involved in some clinging sin or start wanting to fit in, and then we find excuses to disbelieve in God. For this reason, the best apologetics in the world cannot succeed unless students know how to unmask their own secret motives.

3. They Think Good Intentions Are Enough to Protect Them from Sin

Like so many of the other stumbling blocks, this one is most prominent in the area of sex. For example, a Christian boy and girl may have every intention of remaining chaste but spend every waking moment alone together. This is an impossible combination.

4.Their Understanding of Christian Virtues Is Too Sentimental

Young Christians often confuse friendship with God with a state of their feelings. "I know the Bible says we should avoid doing such and such. But I prayed about it and felt that it was all right." Anyone who thinks like this is a sitting duck for the adversary, having become fatally vulnerable to attacks that would otherwise be easy to repel.

There are days when I wonder why God called me to Furman University, a small private school in the heart of the Bible Belt. But I am reminded- we have a mission field among us. We have a culture to redeem. As I walk the halls at Furman, I see people desperately in need of a savior, of a new life and new heart, of true fulfillment and love. And that can only be found in Christ alone.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Together for the Gospel!

Just had to write something in here to tell you all about our staff's time at a conference in Kentucky called Together for the Gospel. We all piled in a 15 passenger van and SUV to make the road trip ti Louisville, KY! The ride was long, but not boring...one fun thing about our staff team is that my twin sister Emily works at Presbyterian College with her husband so I get to hang with her! Of course I loved that :)

Upon arriving, we all went out to dinner together like one big family, which I also am so thankful for, and settled in for the week. This conference was specifically designed for pastors- about 7,000 of them! People were everywhere. And the coolest thing was that they were all there for the same purpose- to hear what it really means to preach an Unadjusted Gospel! That was the theme this year: The UNADJUSTED GOSPEL. As we all worshipped together (we were pretty much the youngest there), I thought of heaven, where we will all worship God together, finally seeing Him face to face.

My favorite talk of the conference was by Pastor John Piper, and if you know me, you know he is my favorite. He talked about justification, which is the act of God declaring a sinner (all of us in this world) not guilty but righteous in His eyes. Thats a crazy concept- that if youre a Christian, youre covered in Jesus's righteousness- when God looks at me, He accepts me not based on anything I've done, but on what Christ has done (lived a perfect life and sacrificed Himself) and God sees me clothed in Christ. Thats so freeing! It's not about me!
Anyways, John Piper talked about that in a very deep sermon, where I was challenged with the thought- what do I base my right standing with God on? On my transformation, my changed life? On being a good person? Or on JESUS Himself?? Am I looking to my goodness to save me?
Piper gave 7 points at the end of his talk, and the one I really loved was point 2 and 3-
2. Nothing We Do Is Basis for God’s Acceptance
3.Our Standing with God Is Based on Jesus, Not Us

I left challenged- Its not about me! Its all about the person and work of Jesus Christ.

I cant tell you how thankful I am to get to go to this conference!! It made me so excited about the future of the Church, where God might call me, and confirmed even more that where I am is where I need to be.

This past week my grandmother died- my dad's mom. We've lost all 4 grandparents in the last 4 years....it really makes me think of death, change, and rely on God. It makes me think of the verse in 2 Corinthians that says...."Thought outwardly we are wasting away, inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary struggles are achieving for us an eternal glory which far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen but what is unseen- for what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."

Monday, April 5, 2010

Springtime @ FURMAN!!

Spring has finally arrived!! This is probably one of my favorite times of the year, except for fall- long nights, crickets chirping, walks around the Furman lake, and being outside in general- I love all these things!
As I type, I'm realizing how quickly this year has gone by...and how many changes I've experienced this year. More later on all of that. I cam honestly say this year has been one of the hardest, but best years of my entire life!
I can't believe this week is the our staff's last week full time on the campus before the Leadership Project! God has done so much this year in me, through me, and at Furman. So much that I could type about 8 pages on every prayer request He answered, all the things I've learned about Him, His character, and about myself, but I will spare you that novel on this blog.

Lately we have gotten to do some fun things with the girls and the guys,starting the building somewhat of a community here at Furman. I don't know if you've ever read Acts 2: 42-47, but that's my prayer for the women and men here at Furman. It says of the disciples,

"They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common.Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved."

If you ever wonder what you can pray for the ministry here at Furman, pray those verses :)

So in light of that, what has been going on at Furman?
-We have weekly spaghetti dinners at our director, Thomas Camps house! This time is a time to just talk, meet new people, fellowship together, and create welcoming environment for anyone to come to! These have been very successful and have accomplished what we prayed they would- giving us a connection point for people of all classes at Furman, guys and girls, and staff to come together!

-My Bible study girls have started, on their own initiative, eating dinner together every Monday night!! The crazy picture below is a picture of all the freshman girls in my Wed night Bible study at a bon fire we had last week!

-Girls dinner: A couple weeks ago, we had every girl involved in our ministry and anyone else who wanted to come over to my house for dinner and ice cream sundaes! It was amazing- my house was so full you could hardly walk!!

-Cookie swap- Sarah and I (thomas Camp's wife) organized a fun cookie swap where girls came for Cocoa & Cookies!! We had a blast!

Below are pictures from a concert some freshman girls and i attended last tuesday! The close up pic is me, Kylie, Virginia, Mary Grace, and Allie- all freshman at Furman!!

As we finish out this year strong, pray that God would continue to build a commmunity- even this summer at the Leadership Project in Myrtle Beach!!