Thursday, June 14, 2012

LP: weeding out selfishness

A few pics from the LP!

Well, our 3 weeks at the project are over. It was fun, it was great, and it was sanctifying. Thats the typical response about how the LP was...and its true. More than anything, my time at the LP showed me how selfish I am, and how much I want to be served. I do not at all want to die to myself. I struggled with being grumpy and moody quite often, because I would have this plan in my head for how the day should go, and my day went the way I wanted it to go probably 3 times out of the 19 days there!! I wont miss taking a shower in water up to my ankles with little specks in it, or the oversized closet we lived in for the last 5 days. But I will miss the students! We are so thankful for the things we take for granted....praise God (seriously) for a stove, clean sheets, warm shower, and closet! And a house that is just ours, not 150 other peoples :)