Friday, November 20, 2009

Recent Pic!

Whats been going on this semester @ Furman?

Ive been hanging out with students a ton!!!! Here are some pictures of some things Ive been uo to.....

Going to concerts with students! Some freshmen girls and I hanging out :)
Halloween party @ my house! Tons of students came!
Making turkeys after freshman Bible study!
Dinner party! I cooked dinner for the girls on thursday night! Were going to make it a weekly tradition!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Back at Furman!!

I havent updated in a while, but things are back and busy at Furman!! 
I want to try and update more frequently! So if you read this blog and see that Ive failed to keep you updated, I sincerely apologize. I think I do a better job with emails than I do with the blog!

Here's a quick update:
I've been at Furman for about a month now. This year, our new staff members are me and Daniel Hill. Daniel recently graduated from Presbyterian College. Together we are partnering to reach the freshman class at Furman. 

This is a picture of me, Daniel, Tyler, and Jessie. Tyler and Jessie minister with campus Outreach at Presbyterian college.

So far, I have spent alot of time meeting students, specifically freshmen. Some fun things we've done so far:
-every Wednesday night, we have a co ed freshman Bible study!! We are talking about What Christianity is NOT. We've talked about how its not
1. A moral code- good things dont get us to God!
2. A compartment of your life- not just something you do on Sunday Morning!!

-Sunday nights, we have praise and worship at the Campus Outreach Building. Honestly, its been a very attractive event for our students, as many students come from churched backgrounds and enjoy this. Pray that it would bring people in!! 

-hanging out in the dorms has been so much fun!! Im meeting so many cool girls, and really getting to build relationships with them. 

Hanging out in the dorms!!

As I continue in what God is calling me to, I want to thank you for supporting me, for investing in my growth as an individual and as a laborer in the Kingdom of God. 
Here is a verse you can pray for me, that I am praying for my life right now: 1 Peter 1:13-16

"Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy."

I  leave you with this picture of me and some of my Best friends. Me, Brittni, Ashton (they go to presbyterian college and spent the last 3 summers with me!) and Abbye, on staff with Emily and Jake at Presbyterian College. I am so thankful for friends like them!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

I'm Home!

I'm home! That is, for one more day. Last week was our final week of the Leadership project, and I can't believe that its over. My body was ready though, so Ive been catching up on sleep and such. 

I don't have one comprehensive paragraph to sum up my summer yet, but it was fun, awesome, challenging, stretching, all in one. More and more I'm learning about who God is, and becoming slowly but surely more of the person He created me to be. 

This week, I will head to Newland, NC to have staff fellowship, a time of planning and bonding with the staff team! We have 9 new staff members!!!! Pretty soon, I will head to Furman University. A place I know all too well. After spending 4 years there, Greenville really does feel just like home to me. 

I can praise God for many things as I sit here right now, feeling somewhat weirded out by change and all that it entails. I dont like change at all! But God never changes and never fails. In Him I am completely secure! 

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Our golfing team! Me , lindsay shane, and josh
One of the cakes the girls baked for the women's social!! we had a baking contest 
Me, Jennifer, and Becca- after we made our music video. This pic is missing our 4th, Lindsay Shane.
The girls dancing!
All of us, going golfing.  Becca is Fiona from shrek, Im a country girl, Lindsay is a thug, and Jennifer is a prep!

One week and 2 days left

One week and 2 days. Thats how much time remains till the Leadership Project ends. I can't believe the time has passed by so quickly! 
This past week was very busy but fun! I'll be brief because I have to go to evangelism training very soon, but here are some random updates:
-today is our last evangelism training day! Every saturday from 1:30-5 we receive training in how to share our faith and then share it with people on the beach! 
-the staff return to the project this tuesday!! Which also means that my sister, Emily will come back with her husband Jake who ministers at Presbyterian College
-Yesterday we had an employee social, and alot of our co workers came to see students perform funny skits and to hear about why we are even at the beach this summer...because of Christ
-Paul and Hailey, missionaries in South Africa at Campus Outreach Johannesburg  are down here for a few days to talk tot he students about their ministry in South Africa! This is so neat because they helped lead us when our team was in Pretoria, SA and while they are here in the states raising their funds, they were kind enough to come stay with us and talk to us!

Please pray for strength and time with God above people for me :) I am loving my job!! And learning more than I ever thought I could!!!

One thing Im learning so much about is IDENTITY! Who am I? The question can really be answered by WHOSE am I? I am Christ's! I am a child of God. 1 Peter 2:9 "

 9But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.10Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Quick update!

If you havent been getting my emails, please email me so that I can add you to it!! I would love to send you them. My email is Thanks to all of you who have been walking through this summer with me, in prayer and  by reading my updates!! I am so blessed to be here in Myrtle Beach, learning and growing along with the 88 students here!! 

What has been going on lately? 
the pictures I posted are from the 4th of July!! All of us went downtown to see a great firework show and have some time of fellowship together. 
We also had Sadie Hawkins, something the girls look forward to every year! The guys rooms perform an elaborate skit for the girls room, and girls get to pick who they want to go on a date with and plan it!!! It was great, the guys did an awesome job- from synchronized swimming to making up their own rap songs! I was fortunate enough to go on a date with Amy's room, she goes to Presbyterian!! We cooked dinner for the guys, then went out for ice cream and played scattergories!!

We only have 2 weeks left at the project....I cant believe it! It feels like we have only been here for a short while! I am so pumped about the last 2 weeks of project- we have been studying the book fo Romans, talking about suffering for CHrist, and tons of other things!! I will post newer pics very soon!!!! 
the Disciples are learning so much, tonight we talked about
-Do we want to please men, or please God?
-Do we seek to put Christ first in our lives?
-What are some things that are keeping us from knowing more of God? 

And alot more!!!

4th of July & Sadie Hawkins!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hey again!

This time I’m writing from Barnes and Noble. Today is my day off, and I’m taking some time to read and spending the day alone. Every week I look forward to my one day of rest, and today its finally here!!

There are so many wonderful things that God has done here at the Leadership Project in the last week, and I’ll try to keep it brief to tell you whats been going on….

Last Thursday, the rest of the staff left, leaving me and Andrew in charge of the entire project! So far, we have had to deal with some issues, but God has been faithful in providing a team of us (me and Andres plus the team leader guys and girls) to enforce rules, plan everything, and implement all of it. I can definitely tell you that I’m learning tons about being a leader, about how to confront others lovingly, and about trusting God with where I’m at in life right now. Last night, I led the girls in my room in discipleship group, basically a time of deep connection, to talk about God and pray together, and we all picked verses to ask God to do in our lives RIGHT NOW! My verses were 2 Corinithians 5:14-15

“For Christ’s love compels us because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.  And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.”

Pray that:

-The love of Christ would be the thing that compels me to love, serve, give, and exist

-That because I have been born again, I would not live for myself, Lindsay Owens, but would live for Jesus.

-In all this, I would count others better than myself.

Things that Im thankful for here, ways I have seen God working:

-I was able to give a prayer talk and really share my heart with all the students! I talked about why we should pray for others!! And ourselves.

-God is growing in the hearts of students- on the 4th of July, we all went to see fireworks together and some students were bold enough to share their faith with people they had never even met before!

-In my own life, God has been a sure comfort, a solid rock. I have been discouraged about small things, but he constantly reminds me that I cant trust in me!

-I have been able to help 2 students work through their testimonies, and it has been such a JOY!! It’s like reading a love story, where God pursues their hearts, over and over again, fighting for their affections and devotions. It served as a reminder of who we serve- a loving God who is FOR us, who fought for us, we are bought with Christs blood.  Ephesians 5:8 “For you were once darkness, but now you are light of the Lord.  Live as children of light.”

Continue to pray that no student would leave the LP unchanged, that each individual would seek God with his or her whole heart. The project is just an amazing place. Pray that Christ would continue to be glorified here. J

Sunday, June 28, 2009

The past 2 weeks :)

One of the team leaders, Becca, took the MCAT this week! We had a party for her!

The guys tied together

The single staff girls and team leaders (plus Emily) at the baseball game!
Staff out for staff dinner!

Jake (Emily's husband) and Andrew!

Baseball game, Parents weekend, testimonies....

Life at the LP is hectic!!! In the past 2 weeks, things have really started to pick up! Students are working 35- 40 hours a week, staff has had staff training all day most days, and we're all being challenged in so many ways!!! So, here's a snap shot of the past couple weeks-
*Every Friday night,the entire project goes to a social together! Last week, we went to a minor league baseball game- TIED together!! We were tied together with our rooms as a bonding, unifying experience- and I can tell you that we looked goofy and got asked so many times why we were all tied together! Imagine going to the bathroom and seeing 4 people standing outside a stall tied to the person in the stall! You werent allowed to untie yourself for any reason. To celebrate, we all went out for ice cream afterwards!

*This week, we talked about our testimonies, and worked through clarifying our stories so that we can better share them with others!  

*The theme talk for this week was huge: RELATIONSHIPS!!! It's one of my favorite talks, especially because I;ve struggled alot with relationships in high school and know how important it is to understand that the purpose of any relationship is to bring God glory and grow closer to Him! I could probably type for an hour about everything that I learned this week and all the great conversations I've had with students about it, but I will spare you that now and just say that as a young single woman, I'm so thankful for talks about that, that really push us to fight to find our worth in Jesus and not in anything else!

*This weekend is parents weekend!! One of my favorite weekends all summer, where parents get to experience a tiny bit of the LP for themselves, to see the heart and soul behind all that we do here at the Project, to ask questions, to be with their children. Family is so important, and I know God did big things this weekend as parents drove many hours to come see their children. We had an awesome meeting yesterday afternoon for all the parents, complete with a skit, talk, a bit of worship, Q&A time! 

*On a more personal level, how am I doing?
-my biggest challenge is resting, as this season is extremely intense for me coming off of raising my support
-I am learning SO MUCH !! at staff training we are talking about building a movement- that we as Campus Outreach want to move forward, we want to train up leaders, laborers who will impact this nation, even the world!
-I am reading abook called Teaching to Change Lives by Hendricks- it is teaching me so much about balancing my life, communication, how to model our teaching after christ!
One statement I love is "Teaching that impacts is not head to head, but heart to heart"
-I am leading 3 mature girls, who I know very well, especially one of them, who is like my best friend. It has been so encouraging and refreshing to be around them as we learn and grow together, pray together, and lead the Project!
-my partner this summer (the mens director) is Andrew Hawkins, just graduated from PC last year and is going on staff this fall like me. Its an awesome set up because Andrew (A Hawk is what we call him) is very mature and knows Gods word so well, he is an encouragement and pushes me to know God, to run to the Bible and not to any person!
-My sis is here with her husband, and you bet that I get to hang with her, but just a smidge. I love it though!
-please pray for me, that I would not trust in myself to lead this project as staff leave (all except for me and Andrew) this week!!!!!!
-I am so thankful that God is a faithful God, who knows me so well and has plans for me. He has a plan for you too, and wants us all to trust in Him ultimately!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Me, Jennifer, and Mary Beth (Mary Beth is on staff at Furman!)
A crab
Ready for students to arrive
Thats the blog link of one of the team leaders here, Jennifer. She's one of my best friends, and we lived together 2 summers ago and now!!! 
Also, check out my sister and Jakes blog~the link is on the side of my page! 

This past week in Myrtle Beach....

Wow! So much has happened this past week at the LP that I don't have enough time to recapture it for all of you, but I'll try!!

Every Monday is theme night at the LP, where we are challenged with a talk about something- this week, we talked about idols in our lives. Kevin, who is on staff at Western Carolina University, talked about idolatry in our hearts. He said that an idol is anything that we try to find purpose, value, and security in other than in Christ. Idols can even be good things like clothes, pets, food, relationships, but when our lives start to revolve around them and they become mini gods to us, thats when they are idols. Kevin said that idols destroy our relationship with God and destroys our understanding of the gospel and God. Some idols he talked about briefly were relationships, other people, sex, desire for a relationship, comfort, body image, relational image, material things, reputation, food, sororities/fraternities, knowledge, future, money, ourselves. 

This talk hit right to my heart, allowing me to search my heart for things I find comfort in and security in other than Jesus. Particularly, myself. I'm selfish and very self preserving and think of myself above others often. Even in studying Romans, I've been studying ch 12:3- "For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourselves more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgement in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you."

What else has been going on?
-Saturday nights we have a social for the entire project! This past Saturday, we had a sandcastle building contest- they were awesome!!! I have to post pictures soon

-Every saturday we share our faith on the beach in pairs or groups of 3- it was so cool this past saturday I got to share with and talk to a highschool girl from GREENVILLE!!!

-Our room (the 3 team leader girls and us 3 single staff girls) went on a group date with the team leader guys and staff guys! We went crabbing!!! We tied chicken to strings as bait and waited (patiently!) for a crab to bite- we got about 8 or 9, but I wasnt fortunate enough to catch one. It was cool though, since Ive never gone before. 

- My family came to visit this past weekend!! One of the highlights was spending time with them, and even getting to hang out with Emily and Kasey one night. I laughed more than I've laughed all week!

-students are really growing and learning as they study through Romans and even learn a neat and easy method to study the Bible with. Ive gotten to hang out with some Furman girls, particularly Shawna and Jaycelyn, two girls I'm close to!

What can you pray for? 
Pray for me as I seek to lead the team leader girls, who I love so much and am already close to! 
Pray for the disciples that they would grow closer to Christ, and know what it means to follow Him!

I leave you with this verse that has been changing me and causing me to think deeply on the mystery and the wonders of being a new creation:
Romans 12:2
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is- His pleasing and perfect will. 

Monday, June 15, 2009

I'm here!

To all you faithful blog readers, just letting you know that I'm at the Leadership Project!!! 
The project is alive and well, and students are learning so much, Please continue to pray for me as I learn what it means to follow Christ. 
I will update soon, much longer!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Leadership Project 09- BURN!

Well, today is the day! Finally, after being in bed for no less than a week, I am heading to Myrtle Beach for the Leadership Project, an 8 week opportunity that Campus Outreach Greenville has where students from Wofford College, Furman, Presbyterian College, and Western Carolina University come to live in a Christian community and grow as leaders, in their faith in Christ, and have a blast!! 
I've been sick because of a roller blading accident, and had to miss my college roomie's wedding :( which I was in as a bridesmaid, and have felt the worst I've felt in my entire adult life, as in EVER. 
Well, here goes it- want to write more but dont have time. Please pray for me as I lead others this summer, as we, an entire project of over 100 people learn and grow, that we would glorify the One that created us! 
Our theme is BURN- Luke 24:32-

32They asked each other, "Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?"

What does it mean to burn for something? What are you burning for in your heart, living for? What does God desire to burn away from and out of our lives so that we can glorify Him more? What is keeping us from experiencing joy? Knowing more of Jesus?

These are just some of the things we will talk about this summer. I'll post pics and other things as they come. Thanks for supporting me :) And praying!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

recent pics

I never truly lived until I became a daughter of Christ

I probably have enough to write about to write a book, but I'll spare you and try to be more frequent with my updates. What have I been up to this past month? Until April 18, I was maid of honor aka wedding planner with emily, then after that heres the deal- flu for a week, trip to myrtle beach to secure over 100 jobs for the Leadership project this summer, staff meetings, raising support, spending time with my family and friends. 

Just to catch you up, my twin sister Emily married the man God chose before time for her to wed on April 18! She was beautiful beyond words, and the long awaited day came with no complications- except for my flu. As I sat in our local Belks, (our "mall"), getting my makeup done and talking excitedly about my plans to minister to college students, I felt a lurch in my stomach. Foundation was applied, blush brushed on, and I was all smiles...time kept on ticking, my temperature was rising, eyes squinting to read my watch- 2:50! It cant take that much longer can it? My lashes must have been coated in inches of mascara, because all of a sudden I'm sure its taking an eternity, and Im glancing nervously for the bathroom signs. My inner voice is panicking- How can this be happening? Everyone else is at the church, what am I going to do? Finally, I shakily slump to my car and lay in the sun, praying not to throw up........10 minutes later I'm throwing up outside the church in a bush. I feel tingly all over and light headed. Maybe its just nerves? I hope so, but I know in my heart that just cant be the case- I was right! Let's just say I was out of it, but I smiled and made it through the whole wedding and reception, I just spent the next 4 days in bed. Period. Maybe I talked to Emily a few times and watched some cartoons but other than that......I got the flu on the day of my twin sister's wedding! 

So how am I doing about Em getting hitched, thats one question everyone asks, and I appreciate it so much...I've walked through life with her, from entering Kindergarten side  by side in our matching black and white plaid dresses and shy smiles to our college years where the best days were the days we spent together, "studying" and sneaking away to Barnes and Noble to read magazines together and talk for hours...In a way too, Emily is like a daughter to me, I've spent my life taking care of her and have cried many tears through her tough seasons, especially this year. So her wedding day was probably one of the best and hardest days of my life. I know I'm gaining a brother in Jake, but in some small way I'm losing Emily. Its life. And its me and Jesus, thats all I need. 

So why did I title this the way I did? Lately I've been thinking alot about my life. My own father has had the biggest impact on my life and identity, and to me really is an earthly picture of Christ's love for His children in some ways. I look back at my life in High School, where I lived a double life- wearing the label of Christian but living in the world, loving all things materialistic and worldly, looking only at the surface, but craving depth and heart change. It never happened in high school, but guess what? My dad never abandoned me, never in word or in action. I've never doubted his love for me, and I know that in his eyes Im his daughter and Im good enough for him. In all my recklessness and sin, he was ready to accept me. Now that I know Christ and my heavenly Father, I know that my Father is for me, He looks on me with love, and delights in me. I have never experienced emotions, love, relationship and friendship as deeply as I have now. To know Christ and His love for us transforms our hearts like nothing else can. 

Tonight I talked to my dad about life and death, about God and about the Old we talked about our heavenly Father together, and as His children, my dad and I will know eachother forever. 

Romans 12:8-17
Therefore, brothers, we have an obligation—but it is not to the sinful nature, to live according to it. For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live, because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father." The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


It's late. The night before my last day at atlanta bread company-abc.

I just have to write in here because I feel compelled to share with you all how faithful God has been to me- He is always faithful.
God has shown to me how He is my Provider. 7 months ago, I applied to all sorts of ransom jobs near my house in Greenville, and one day I went to Atlanta Bread to eat and a guy that worked their, who knew me as I was a regular as a student, suggested that I just apply for a job there because I shared my future plans with him.

About 3 days later, Amber from ABC calls me-I got an interview, and got the job, with my boss knowing about my plans to join staff and raise support.

It has been such a provision for me- I have loved working there. I feel very close to alot of the people I work with, and honestly am in tears as I type. I dont think my heart is so prepared to not be making sandwhiches with Amber, joking about my problems with directions, hanging out with Sarah, distracting Becky in the bakery, bugging Andrew about his grades, telling Fabi my life stories. ...
This transition nto full time support raising is something unknown to me and new..I confess Im scared!

God is faithful and He will provide for me, I know. Please pray for courage and strength in this weird in between place that I am. How thankful I am for my time at ABC.

Friday, February 27, 2009


I really wanted to update this blog, but wasnt sure at all about what to write, I began to think about my own needs/ what I am experiencing, and if you're reading this, I want to invite you to pray with me and for me as I move forward in trusting God.

So, what am I experiening and enduring right now? To be quite honest with you, I am experiencing a testing of my faith and trust, a call to deeper dependency on God. If you know me well, then you know that I'm quick to rely on myself. I struggle constantly with feeling the burden of doing the right thing, being that person who is so reliable, who is consistent, etc etc. I am a perfectionist at heart. So , what im trying to say is that I always fail. I always fail myself, others, my own expectations,...because Im NOT Christ! It's such a freeing thing to really rest in the fact that God is in control, I'm not, and never will be. Nothing I do or dont do changes the way that God sees me as I am covered by Christ!

So, lately, I have grown a bit weary in support raising, as I feel the burden and the time pressure. My goal is to raise all my funds before this summer, when I will go to Myrtle beach for the entire summer for Campus Outreach's leadership project, an 8 week experience for college students. I am so so so excited!! I am craving more Christian community, as I have felt somewhat alone in all that I'm doing lately.
I have also decided to take a step away from time I am spending with students at Furman- still leading the senior girls, but making sure that they are my priority above other relationships. This has been so hard for me!! I always want to say yes to people when they initiate towards me. But God is truly testing me, as this past week alone, He provided 6 opportunities for me to say no. 6!!! Now if that isnt the Lord! I am sure of it.
I am trusting God for support raising. Let me rephrase that. I am attempting to trust God for support raising. I'm not doing that great of a job at it. These past two weeks have been very emotionally draining for me, as well as physically exhausting. I have honestly felt a great burden on my shoulders, and I know it s a result of my trusting in Lindsay and not in Christ.

So, as you read this, would you committ now to saying a short prayer for me? Ask God to draw me nearer, and the Holy Spirit to enable me to trust Him with my whole heart. Let's ask God in faith through Christ to accomplish this task set before me.

James 1:2-7
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. 5If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. 6But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; 8he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.

John 15:7
If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Jessica Pety

A year ago today, Jessica Pety died in a car wreck. The news was shocking and sorrowful for me and all of her dear friends. Jess was preparing to be a missionary in Spain for 18 months, and was in training at the time of her death. Jessica and I were room mates at the Beach Project 2 summers ago- we had 2 other girls in our room too, and all of us got really close. Jess and I bonded late at night, as we both liked to stay up late and chat, and those are some of the best memories I have. I have to admit to you, that she was more than a friend to me, she was a discipler to me in the way she lived her life and the way she believed in me as a disciple of Christ. In my heart I will never understand why God chose to take her, but I do know that she is happier than she has ever been- she was so in love with Christ.
Things that I remember fondly about her-
-she loved movies! And had a ton of them
-she needed alot of rest and would often sleep in late
-Jess loved reading John Piper sermons
-she loved being around people, talking with people, and had the most relational capacity of anyone I have ever known in my life
-before bed at night, Jess would always take her Bible with her to bed and read some of it before she fell asleep
-like me, she had no sense of direction! We have gotten lost together plenty of times
-we bonded over our love for shopping & food
-she always twirled her hair when she was listening to you
-jess was very close to her family like me
well i could write on and on and on...but i want to type a card she wrote me at the end of our summer together because it means so much to me:
"My darling Lindsay Owens,
I cannot even say in words how grateful and lucky I feel that I got to be in your room this sumer. Lindsay, it has been so fun to just get to know you-the real, crazy Lindsay that I have grown to love so much.
I want to thank you, Lindsay, for your friendship this summer-for loving me, accepting me and giving me grace, and for all the fun we had together. You have no idea how those little moments w/ you got me through the summer. It was such a gift to be able to feel the freedom to just be myself around you, and you were such an encouragement when I was going through hard times and just needed someone to push me on. Lindsay it was also such a blessing to get to watch you grow and learn more about the LORD and your walk with Him this summer. Lindsay, what I saw in you was an open, humble, and teachable spirit. You always could talk about the things you struggle with without feeling like you have to make excuses or defend yourself. I loved getting to walk with you throughh issues such as your family, things that are hard at Furman, and struggles we share such as shopping. Thank you for being so open with me about those things. I learned so much from you this summer and was blessed beyond belief through your presence as a friend and fellow soldier in the room.
So.. its cool that we both go to furman b/c I know that this friendship can continue in the Fall and beyond! I'm so excited about accountability in August and pray that God will teach us and challenge us through that.
So, press on and keep fighting the fight, remembering that no matter what the world might tell us is gain, Christ is all we truly need!
Love always,
" I thank my God every time I remember you"
I know that if she were here, she would be my greatest encourager.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Nothing Can Separate Us from the Love of Christ

I was reading on John Pipers website today a talk called "Nothing Can Separate Us from the Love of God."

I really think it hits home that God is sovereign, and the only stable thing in this world. The only One we can put our trust in. For me right now, He is calling me to a place of deep trust, of finding joy even when my agenda and goals arent met. And more than that, reading this helps me cope with death.

It is getting to be about a year anniversary that one of my best and dearest friends died. Almost a year ago, Jessica Pety died in a car accident as she was in training to be a missionary and was with a team preparing for what God had called her to. To this day, I don't think I have fully comprehended that she is gone, I find myself expecting to see her again- and I will, just not in my lifetime on earth. It has been one of the hardest things to trust God with, and I still ask why. So, through the healing process, this sermon has been good for me to read. I confess that Im frightened and terrified of death, and i know that I shouldnt be, but I am.

Piper uses Romans 8:35-39-
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? 36 As it is written, "For your sake we are being killed all the day long; we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered." 37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38 For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

And, a woman who has lost her husband in 9/11 shares how the Lord has been and is her stronghold, and gives 10 lessons.
I want to type them briefly, but read it to get a more personal taste-

1..Embracing the sovereignty of God brings strength and hope.

2. Don’t presume to know better than God how to run the world. It is pride.

3. God has a good purpose in all the hard things that happen to his people.

4. Death and suffering press in on us the perspective of eternity.

5. God’s distribution of suffering is not equal, and one hard thing may prepare for another.

6. God’s love takes care of us right now in our suffering, not just later.

7. Calamity calls for quick practical love like meals and baby sitting.

8. Quiet, confidence in God’s power and goodness through suffering create occasions for witness.

9. Trusting in God’s sovereign care in all circumstances frees you from greed and releases love for others.

10. Without God the world is hopeless.

read or listen to it at -

Sunday, January 18, 2009


well, i wanted to write a little update while i have a few minutes! If you read this blog, then youre probably pretty connected with me and my ministry, so I am going to talk a little bit about support raising

So, since the holidays, with the help of my support coach, Abbye ( on staff at pc and one of my good friends), and my sister, we devised a more realistic plan of action. I have to confess that after the dc conference, I was very overwhelmed about raising my funds. But, as many people have encouraged me, are supporting me, and like Mary Beth, one of my roomies said to me, God is teaching me alot THROUGH the process of support raising. And He is. Teaching me alot about who I am, that He is who He says He is, sovereign above all, worthy of my trust, worthy of my whole life. So if you want to pray for me, please pray that I would continue to seek Him, that He would show me areas of my life that I dont want to give over, that I would trust and learn and grow in this process of support raising. I am at abou 35 % pledged, so thats kinda far from 100%. If you know me, you know Im a glass have empty perspective, so, Im going to be an optimist and say, thats not too close to 0%!! I am so so thankful for all of my loving, encouraging, and faithful supporters. It delights my heart and gives me strength to have a team of people praying and partnering with me!

Well, alot of my time recently has been spent with my sister, emily, helping plan her wedding!! She will be married April 18th to a wonderful guy named Jake McCoun! He is also on staff with Campus outreach laboring at Presbyterian college- so, once I go full time, emily and i will be co workers throuugh Campus outreach greenville!!! (it is made up of Furman, Wofford, presbyterian, and Western carolina!) How amazing is it that God has provided this for us? I dont usually write about this stuff, but yes, it has been a bit hard for me being the "single" twin. emily and I have always done things together at the exact same time, etc. But not this time! I am more excited and thankful for God providing Jake and know for sure that there isnt someone else for her. And, I honestly do trust God has a plan for my life, as He has shown and continues to show, and it may or may not include marriage.

So, here are some verses that you can join with me in praying-
Proverbs 16:3
"commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed."

Matt 6:33-34
"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough worries of its own. "

also, if you read this, please continue to pray for my girls- Furman seniors Jaycelyn, Stephanie, and Laura. We are studying the Psalms this term through a cool book called Encountering God. Pray that we would all spend time with Him each day, and that we would grow in understanding of who God is , and who we are as Christians. I love the time I spend with them, and cannot wait to make disciples!! Mary beth loaned me her book called "The Lost Art of Disciple Making" and it was so so so good. :)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Recently, God has been teaching me alot about prayer, especially about my dependence on Him through prayer and strengthening my faith in Him in devotion to prayer. Please pray that I would pray daily and set apart times to pray! Here are some really cool things on prayer that John Piper ( says-
9 Ways to Pray for Your SoulJanuary 2, 2009 By: John Piper Category: Commentary

Here are some ways to pray for yourself so that you're praying in sync with the way God works.

1. For the desire of my heart to be toward God and his Word.
Incline my heart to Your testimonies and not to gain. (Psalm 119:36)

2. For the eyes of my heart to be opened.
Open my eyes, that I may behold wonderful things from Your law. (Psalm 119:18)

3. For my heart to be enlightened with these “wonders.”
[I pray] that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened. (Ephesians 1:18)

4. For my heart to be united, not divided, for God.
O Lord, I will walk in Your truth; unite my heart to fear Your name. (Psalm 86:11)

5. For my heart to be satisfied with God and not with the world.
O satisfy us in the morning with Your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. (Psalm 90:14)

6. For strength in this joy, and endurance during the dark seasons.
[I pray that God] would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man. (Ephesians 3:16)

7. For visible good deeds and works of love to others.
[I pray that you] will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord...bearing fruit in every good work. (Colossians 1:10)

8. For God to be glorified.
Hallowed be thy name. (Matthew 6:9)

9. In Jesus’ name.
He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, will he not also give us all things with him? (Romans 8:32)

also, if you have time, listen to or read this sermon-


Sunday, January 4, 2009

Recent Pics!

The engaged couple on New Years!

Me, Brittni, & Christine (plus Josh)- our CCP running crew!

Me & the girls in DC! We are captain planet & the planeteers!

Free day in DC! About to get on the metro :)

Long Overdue Update!

Wow, I have neglected to update my blog for some time now! Hopefully, if youre a supporter of me or close friend, you've received my update emails or talked to me in person!

Well, as I last wrote just before thanksgiving, I suppose I havent written that Emily is ENGAGED! It's a funny thing, because I prayed (along with alot of her other girlfriends) diligently that Jake would ask her to marry him by Thanksgiving. Thats honestly what I prayed daily for her, as her life in Spartanburg and away from Jake is just not where her heart is, and she needed that freedom to have the official title that reflected where her heart was with Jake. So, all that to say, the DAY BEFORE Thanksgiving, Jake asked her!!! They will be married in Forest City, NC (basically our home town) on April 18, 2009. I am so so excited for them- I have prayed for Emily and Jake since the summer of 2006, when they first met on Campus Outreach's summer beach project! He is also on staff with Campus Outreach, and ministers to students at Presbyterian college. I could not have hand picked someone better for her, but then again, God hand picked Jake, so thats way better than me doing the picking, lets be honest!

That might give you some insight into what I've been up to this holiday season- of course, meeting with as many people I can to share my ministry vision with them and raise up a team of supporters, begin planning Emilys wedding (yes, Kasey and I are the maids of honor!), working still at atlanta bread company part time, and actively seeking the Lord.

Over the past month, I have really enjoyed all the festivities that go along with Christmas, especially time with my family. Every year, we all go to Winston Salem to the Candle Tea (a Moravian Love Feast and tour at Old Salem), and the Nutcracker Ballet! We've been going since Emily and I were about 4 years old, and I still love it just as much as I first did! One other highlight at Christmas is attending the Christmas Eve service at church- it really reminds me of why we even celebrate Christmas, and helps me to worship Christ in my heart at Christmas. So often Christmas is simply all about the presents and the family time and everything colorful and beautiful and sweet tasting that we forget who and what the celebration is all about, and why we even have reason to celebrate.

This past week, I was able to travel to Washington, DC with Campus Outreach for the annual New Years Conference. This was the first time it was held in DC (it has traditionally been held in Atlanta for our region), but about 500 college students from Furman, Wofford, Presbyterian, Western Carolina, Virginia Tech, Radford Univ, Davidson, Elon, UNC-C, UNC-G, and Wingate crammed into the DoubleTree Hotel to learn more about God, and to explore what it means to be Legendary. The theme of the conference was LEGENDARY, which is truly relevant for this generation of college students-how do we view life, do we think about what we will leave behind when we die? How can we live now that will have an eternal impact? What does the reality of eternity mean for us?

I had one of the best weeks of the entire year there- although it was by far the most tiring, not only did God reveal so much about my own heart to me, but I was able to minister and give my life away the entire week. It confirmed in my heart once again, what God has called me to do with my life- give it away to college students, to become all things to all people that they might know more about the One who has given His life to save us! I lead 3 senior furman girls, and 2 of them were there, along with 2 freshman that I have been spending some time with! ! I cannot tell you how many doors and barriers that were broken down by the power of the Holy Spirit this week! Our room studied the Bible together, exploring verses like 1 John 2:17- "And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God lives forever." and Galations 6:9- "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up." All of these verses speak to us about the reality of eternity with God forever! And led us to ask ourselves questions like what does it mean for me to do God's will? What do I see as a reward, and what is truly a reward in God's eyes?

I would like to share one thing that really convicted my heart this week- for starters, this week I really felt God calling me deeper and deeper, to a place of surrender- surrendering every single thing, every plan, desire, wish, hope, dream, everything to Him. So if youre reading this blog post, would you please pray now that God would take me there? Anyways, one talk this week was all about how an internal heart change leads to an external change, in our actions. At the end of the talk, we were asked to write down 3 questions to apply to our own lives-
1. Is my deepest longing God's glory? Is my happiness wrapped up in myself, or Christ?
2. Do I proactively seek holiness as a lifestyle?
3. Am I a person willing to really dig in, spend time in, the Bible?

Along with this, Matt Bradner, the conference speaker, said on the first night- "God is committed to positioning us in situations that reveal our hearts, that reveal who we trust in."
I also got to thinking about whether or not I think my actions can change my heart....The reality is that they can't. The Kingdom of God must be from within. So, I think in my heart, I see a potential person, you know, an ideal- who you wish you were, and the sin in my heart wants to just change over night, to be there, to reach that potential now! Let's be real, thats impossible, and it is a process. So, what I have left that conference with is an authentic prayer to God, that He would refine me, change me, break me, even if it is so painful, even if I suffer. Those 3 questions that I asked myself also helped me to see little corners of my life that I keep for myself, that I don't want God to take control of, which ultimately, I am sacrificing joy and wholeness when I do this.!

Well, I feel like I have shared alot about DC! I appreciate your prayers, both for me and for my ministry. As the second semester of Furman starts, and I begin again attempting to raise these funds, I would love for you to pray that God would put it on hearts to join me in this ministry, that a team of financial supporters would be raised up. And for my own ministry right now, leading 3 girls that you can pray for, that I would lead them well, and that they would be drawn closer to God and spend time in the Word daily!

Phil 2:9-11
"Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."